Priority Occupations
The GWB reviews projected annual openings and median wage rates within Rhode Island's twenty-two (22) major occupational groups, as well as talent output from education and training providers, to help guide strategic investments.
The most current analyses are available below.
2024 Areas of Identified Undersupply.pdf
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
2023 Rhode Island Occupational Cluster Analysis
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Appendix A - Statewide Current Employment & Wage Rates by Occupation
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Appendix B - Statewide Projected Annual Job Openings by Occupation
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Appendix C - Statewide School Transportation Regions
PDF file, less than 1megabytes
Appendix D - CTE Programs by Occupational Cluster & School Transportation Region
Excel file, less than 1megabytes